To ultimately provide the best businesses with a means for digital success.
To get the best products and services in front of the people who need them.
I am not a political activist, and I understand that marketing serves to sell. However, I observe a disconnect between the marketing world and the products/services that are being promoted. I will only sell products and services that are high-value and ethical. To give an example of what I consider honest, I am very partial to specific values: reduction of plastic, sustainable energy, etc. Your business may not align with my values, so my business may not be the best fit to help your business with digital marketing.
We live in a special place. It is our kuleana (responsibility) to perpetuate what makes us unique. At the same time, we also need to adapt to modern challenges. I was pretty successful before returning to Maui. I came here with a mission to bring my valuable experience and expertise to the business community here on the islands.
I was born in Maui Memorial Hospital on June 9th, 1983, to a mother from the mainland and a Hawaiian-Filipino father. I grew up in Upcountry, Maui spending most of my time in three places: the water, at church activities, and in front of a computer. Looking back, one of the most important days of my life was when I discovered web design at the Kamehameha School Computer Camp in 1995. From there, I began making web pages for everything. I made websites for videos, games, or surfers I liked. I even made websites for local businesses.
Another momentous day for me was when I moved to San Diego, California, for college in 2002. Living in California gave me a broad worldview and exposed me to many perspectives. In college, I worked for my school’s marketing department. I felt that the web design classes my school offered were a bit behind the curve, so I pursued degrees in philosophy and music. Ironically, music and philosophy have immensely enhanced my prowess in digital marketing. After graduating, I made hundreds of websites both as a team member for agencies and as the lead contractor.
I finally moved back to Maui in May of 2018. Getting back in the island groove has been amazing, despite many challenges. I still drive a little too fast sometimes. I’ve brought tons of experience, which I am excited to share with some of my favorite Maui businesses. In Hawaii, we are positioned to be a global leader in many areas; we must make a few adjustments. I look forward to every company I meet with and am excited for what the future holds for Maui.